Fomra Hues, Porur
Fomra Hues located in residential neighborhood of Porur, consists of three block – Long Block, Tall Block and Commercial Block. -
Farm House, Thudiyalur
Thudiyalur is a small village near Coimbatore. Like most old farms in this area it was originally a cotton farm and converted to other... -
House at Coonoor
THE SITE is located in Coonoor, a small town in the Nilgiris at an elevation of about two thousand, surrounded by tea plantations and... -
Surat Lignite Power Project, Surat
This company town located on a remote site of 33 hectares was planned for 500 Housing units along with necessary commercial and social infrastructure... -
National Dairy Development Board Campus, Bangalore
THE NATIONAL Dairy Development board, which is an organization involved in modernizing traditional dairy farming by bringing new technology to the farmer through its...
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